Tuesday Thoughts 31st March 2020
Week 3 away from the office and the last day of March.
This last week I’ve been:
My parents are 45 years married today, so we’ll celebrate from afar, physically distancing but not socially, as my Dad cocoons himself on the farm. I thank God for small mercies that he can walk the land and not meet a single soul. Isolation for a west of Ireland farmer isn’t that huge a leap as they are fairly isolated day to day anyway.

The last time we were together in Jan 2020
What exactly does this time mean to me? It’s the first time in my life I’ve been stopped in my tracks. But then have I really stopped? I seem to be as busy as ever, helping kids with school work, checking in with family and friends, checking in with patients, working on ideas for Clane Chiropractic etc etc.
The importance of routine on our mental health. We are getting up everyday at the same time we usually would, not staying in our PJs all day and have a timetable for ‘school’. The timetable shifted slightly one day and Clara had a complete melt down. So we are being strict with routine in this new normal.
Patrick Stewart reading daily sonnets on facebook well worth a listen if you haven’t already found it.
This is a testing time for smallies so I’ve found this brilliant cartoon and this amazing song which have really helped our two understand and settle themselves.
#MY2KM the 2km or 12.67km circumference around our house I am so grateful for and I’m certainly enjoying exploring it.

‘And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should’
From Desiderata on of my favourite poems.
Thinking of you all, stay safe.
Dr E.
PS if you would like to sign up for our daily newsletter full of advice to help build resilience during this time, here’s the link: