Being prepared is vital in decreasing stress, therefore productive revision time before exams is crucial.
1) Know schedule
We would recommend your son or daughter makes a revision timetable including exam times, revision breaks, meal times and exercise periods (pin a copy to the fridge). This will help them stay focused and maintain a healthy routine. You will also know when they have to be taken to exams.
2) Daily routine
Athletes believe in maintaining routine procedures before and during competition to assist in reaching peak performance. Whilst your son or daughter isn’t going up against the competition, they do want to stay focused and achieve peak performance. It’s important a balance between study and rest is found, and again like any athlete time to rest and recharge before the next exam is a must.
3) Desk set up, comfortable
For anyone who is sitting for long periods of time, correct workstation set up and posture is very important. Incorrect posture can result in distracting aches and pains that can also prevent beneficial relaxation time and sleep.
4) Regular breaks, down time – relaxation
Taking regular breaks from revision has a number of benefits. Keeping the brain focused on the same activity for long periods of time will eventually lead to fatigue and ineffective revision. Regular breaks have shown to increase performance by a third. Long periods of sitting can also result in physical ailments such as neck and back pain. It has been recommended to take a 15 minute break after two hours of work.
5) Diet
A balanced diet is always important for any child. Never miss breakfast; Studies have shown a positive correlation between the consumption of breakfast and academic performance. In fact skipping any meal has shown to reduce learning. Avoid unhealthy food; high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine foods and drinks (such as cola, sweets, chocolate, burgers and chips). Consider a fish oil supplement; Omega-3 fatty acids improve brain function.
6) Exercise
Exercise such as a brisk walk, swim or session in the gym can act as a stress reliever and boost energy. Studies have also found that exercise helps increase concentration.
7) Sleep
Good sleep will improve thinking and concentration. Switch off all computers, phones, TV’s at least an hour before bed as they can lead to shortened and poor quality sleep. Experts recommend between 8-10 hours’ sleep a night. A tired brain begins to work less leading to mistakes and low quality of work.
8) Listen and move on
As the wise old saying goes; what’s done is done. Yes allow your child to talk about the last exam but certainly don’t dwell on it in detail, as this can increase stress.
We would like to wish all students sitting exams this summer good luck from all at Clane Chiropractic. Remember stay calm and be prepared!